Human Voice

A girl in her inner crusade for the image of her lover. Like two sides of Moebius strip or two parallel ghost worlds, the world of ideas and the world of passion, travel closely together but never really meet in this experimental adaptation of Jean Cocteau's "Human voice". The film is based on the text of the Cocteau's monoplay (which is a dialogue in which we never hear one of the speakers), as well as on original dialoges written using quotes from such philosophers as Rolan Barthes, Graham Harman, Mladen Dolar, Jacques Lacan, and others.
Texts used for performance and inspiration:
Human Voice by Jean Cocteau
and texts by Rolan Barthes, Graham Harman, Mladen Dolar, Jacques Lacan, and others.
Human Voice by Jean Cocteau
and texts by Rolan Barthes, Graham Harman, Mladen Dolar, Jacques Lacan, and others.
Made in collaboration with Sergey Ivaniutin,
Uliana Vaskovitch, and the others
Uliana Vaskovitch, and the others